At SouthPoint Church we long to be more than just a friendly church, but a family church whose doors are wide open to people from all backgrounds, regardless of where they are on their spiritual journey or what their denominational background may be. In fact, we call ourselves a Cross Denominational Church because at SouthPoint Church the various denominational backgrounds of our members cross paths and become one. We are not concerned about denomination but rather passionate about each of us growing in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and helping each other in that journey.
So whether you’re a spiritual seeker who’s just starting to ask questions about God, or a committed Christian who wants to sink the roots of your faith even deeper, you can find a home here at SouthPoint Church!
Our passion is to provide a place where people from all walks of life can join together in one place and have a life-changing experience with God. Our goal is to infuse life and God’s love into people and families through engaging, powerful worship services that offer biblical truth in relevant and practical ways.
We desire to be more than just a group of people who gather for Sunday church. In fact, whether through our Family Fun Day Events, outreach and serving opportunities, or through our family ministries, it’s our goal to pursue God and His kingdom TOGETHER all week long.
Together, we’re striving to become the kind of church described in the Bible, where there’s relevant teaching, personal growth, heart-felt worship, honest friendships, constant prayer, and compassionate care for those in need. In short, we’d like to have the kind of contagious Christianity that can influence and encourage the entire community, one life at a time.
We invite you to worship with us this Sunday! In the meantime, you’ll find everything you need to get connected to South Point Church right here on our website. Please contact us if you have any questions.
We hope you will join us in the journey,
John and Paula Roach
Lead Pastors
Pursuit of God
We are committed to encouraging our church family in their pursuit of Christ.
Authentic Relationships
We are committed to loving one another through authentic relationships.
Impacting Our Community
We are committed to impacting our community with the Love of Christ through service and evangelism.
What To Expect
A church for families.

Second Sunday Lunch
Every second Sunday of the month, our church family spends time together for a potluck lunch directly after service. Don’t worry if you didn’t bring anything, we’d love to share a meal with you and your family!

Point Groups
Point Groups (small groups) happen throughout the week as we meet in each other’s homes. These groups give us the opportunity to build stronger relationships, connect with other believers, and grow together spiritually. Look for current group info on our announcement screens or contact us here.
If it’s your first time, we recommend arriving a few minutes early. That will give you enough time to grab some coffee, meet someone new, and find a seat before the service begins.
(If you have children, we recommend arriving about ten minutes early in order to check in your child and see where they will be cared for while you are in service.)
Service Time and Duration
Service begins promptly at 10:30am and lasts about an hour.
Our church welcomes everyone just as they are. Some people dress up and others dress very casually. We encourage you to come the way that you feel most comfortable.
During the Service
We always have music that is upbeat and contemporary, but we also mix in some traditional songs. Don’t worry you don’t have to sing, but if you want to we provide lyrics so you can follow along.
Each week you will hear a practical and relevant Bible based teaching that is designed to be encouraging and helpful in your everyday life.
As part of our weekly services we do take up an offering. If you are a guest, please do not feel any pressure or obligation to give. This is an act of worship for our regular attenders, allowing them to thank God for all the great work He is doing in their lives and to give back to help continue the work of the church.
Prayer Time
After dismissal the band will continue to lead in worship. This is a great opportunity to spend a few extra minutes with the Lord in prayer about what you have just learned or about whatever you may be facing in your own life. One great thing about our church is that we really believe in partnering together in this journey and consider it an honor to pray for and with one another. Therefor, during this extended worship time, pastors and prayer partners are available if you would like to have someone pray with you.
Although children are welcome in the sanctuary, we offer SouthPoint Kids Ministry and a Cry Room in order to provide the best learning environment for everyone. The SouthPoint Kids Ministry has programming for children six weeks old through fifth grade during our Sunday School Hour (9:30 AM – 10:15 AM) and during the 10:30 AM worship service. Children in 6th grade and older are invited to join “Fight Club”, our Youth Sunday School at 9:30 AM and to participate in the 10:30 AM worship service.
Cry Room
Our “cry room” is located in the first classroom on the right, just off the foyer. It is closed off for your privacy but is equipped with audio feed from the service for you to participate in the service as much as possible. Feel free to use this area to nurse or to sit with your little one who may need a little room to squirm and make noise.
After the Service
As a guest you will be asked to fill out a communication card. Drop it in the offering plate or bring it to the Information Center located in the lobby on your way out. This helps us stay in communication with you and let you know about all of the exciting things happening at our church throughout the year.
If you don’t wish to be contacted, you can simply indicate that on the card. All of our guests will receive a free gift as our way of saying, “thanks for coming!”
Feel free to grab another cup of coffee and hang out for a while. We would love to get to know you!
“We are committed to providing opportunities that help build authentic relationships within the body of SouthPoint Church, intentional to truly live life together and encourage one another in our relationships with Christ.”
– Pastor Paula