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“I can’t begin to express how much SouthPoint Church has been a blessing to me these last few weeks. Throughout the week when I start to get discouraged, I go back over my notes from service and I am encouraged as God reminds me of the hope I have in Him and I am then able to share that hope with others. Thank you so much SouthPoint Church. I may be in the middle of a storm right now, but I know who my anchor is and there is a blessing on the other side.” – Meg

Our Story
Senior Pastors
Senior pastors John and Paula Roach have lived in Bixby, OK since 2006 and have served in the congregation prior as youth pastor and deacons. The Roach’s have been involved in ministry most of their adult lives.
In the summer of 2015, John and Paula committed themselves to full time service in the Kingdom. On August 2, 2015, they were named senior pastors and elders of our congregation.
“Our pursuit of God starts with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Our desire is to see our church family grow and thrive living the abundant life and enjoying God’s blessings!” – Pastor John
Join us for 2nd Sunday lunch!